13 April 2011

rasanya saya nak bela landak la, amacam?

assalamualaikum and hello !

peeerrrgh !
its been a month i guess i dont even take a peep at u dear CAKAP SORANG-SORANG
 and tonight, i think i will post something for you .
i will !


  1. ape ke heir nye nk bela landak? susuk! rindu ko la.. mane ko pergi hah? ce cite.. ce cite..

  2. hoi.cptlah hupdet blog.gua tgu post baru derrr!!hehe.eh,ap tjuk lagu blog su ni?

  3. @yana : rindu ko gaaaak ~ hehe kne cite ke yana? kalu nk cite kne face to face tihihi ;D

    @noris : sudah ! hehe lagu, decorate by yuna
